Ensemble Guidantus is a small chamber group formed in 1995 out of the homonymous orchestra and it plays a lively part in the Italian music scene. The sparkling and polished performances combine mastery of the score with a clear and individual interpretation, the result of a decade of aesthetic and philological study.


Continuously seeking new musical suggestion, Ensemble’s repertoire covers all the works of Vivaldi, particularly unpublished or rarely performed pieces, as well as other celebrated Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century composers such as Arcangelo Corelli, Benedetto Marcello, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Domenico Scarlatti, Domenico Cimarosa.


The group’s recording of A. Vivaldi’s FOUR SEASONS was greeted favourably by critics both in Italy and worldwide (Musica, La Repubblica, RARE RECORDINGS REVIEW, Compact Classica).

The group has released two CDs of A. Vivaldi’s works under the Real Sound label: the first contains the concerti written by the “Red Priest” for German violinist J.G. Pisendel while the second includes several works that had never previously been recorded. Both CDs were enclosed in the Baroque music magazine Orfeo. Ensemble Guidantus has also realised a CD of Vivaldi’s works in first recording under the Arion label and three DVD with the most important Italian concerto under the Japanese company IMC.

In 2010 he recorded a series of concerts by composers of 1700 held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, this CD was published by Solstice label.

In 2011 and 2012 he recorded music of Carlo Tessarini, this CD was published by Calliope label.

In 2012 he recorded one CD with music of Pablo Queipo de Llano modern composer in style Barocco, this CD was published by Enchiriads label


Ensemble have taken part in a number of important music festivals, including “Incontri Musicali” of the Società dei Concerti (Milan), the summer festival “I Teatri” in Reggio Emilia, Como’s “Autunno Musicale” International Festival, the Salonicco Cultural Capital of Europe concerts, “Effetto Musica” in the Province of Modena, “Lunatica” in the Province of Massa – Carrara, and the Teatro Regio di Parma festival, among others.


Since 2005, the Ensemble has actively collaborated in the production of Baroque works with the Teatro Asioli of Correggio (RE) and the Teatro Guglielmi of Massa Carrara.


New CD




Marco Pedrona

Ensemble Guidantus

salita del Castelvecchio 33, 19126 La Spezia (Italia)

+39 338 56 57 707



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